2020 Sponsorship: Nottinghamshire Blood Bikes


We have decided that this year, our charity funds will be donated to Nottinghamshire Blood Bikes.  These are a team of tireless volunteers who move things quickly within the NHS when time is critical. Clearly they are being utilised greatly during this unprecedented time.

Outside office hours, when their internal courier service is not available, hospitals rely on local taxi companies or couriers to transfer urgently required blood or other medical supplies. This costs the average hospital tens of thousands of pounds.

Nottinghamshire Blood Bikes also support the provision of donor breast milk. They collect supplies from the Milk Bank in Chester and deliver them back to hospitals. Blood Bike groups like these undertake this task at no cost to the NHS. Their highly-trained volunteers, supported by the specially designed equipment and vehicles, underpin the valuable work of the NHS. Although an independent charity, they operate to the very high standards of the Nationwide Association of Blood Bikes – NABB.

If you’d like to know more about helping Nottinghamshire Blood Bike, would like to make a donation or if you are considering becoming a corporate sponsor, then please visit their website.

Tom Fitzgerald